angelina jolie in black armani dress ~ Angelina Jolie pictures, qoutes, bio and news.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

angelina jolie in black armani dress

i think angelina jolie would look good in a burlap bag so it really doesnt matter what she wears she has that natural beauty that a woman would kill for and on top of that she's a great mother to all her children that bone head she's married to better wake up and smell the coffee before its to late and he's left out in the cold.

angelina jolie doesn't look bad, but it's nothing to write home about, the cut isn't flattering to her figure, and the color doesn't work with her skin tone. It also doesn't look very fancy, but more of a dinner dress. Good thing Angelina is so pretty herself because the dress doesn't flatter her.

How much did angelina jolie pay for that dress to armani, I wonder. I could've got her a heck of a deal on a much better dress at the salvation army!!!!! LMAO It is horrible. Anything showing her skeleton of a figure is. Get that girl some food would yah....she's only.....STARVING!!!!

angelina jolie in black yellow armani dress at party